$1,197.00 AUD

You're almost there...

I am so excited you are joining me for Regulation Rituals

What you'll get:

  • 12-months access to enriching, evidence-based content
  • Eight comprehensive modules covering everything from understanding sensory processing to creating personalised regulation plans.
  •  Exclusive access to face-to-face training sessions

What You Will Learn

The Regulation Rituals Online Course is structured into eight comprehensive modules, each focusing on a key aspect of sensory and emotional regulation:

  1. Introduction to Regulation Rituals
    • Understanding the importance and types of regulation rituals.
    • Co-creating rituals with children for maximum impact.
  2. Connect
    • Exploring the neuroscience of connection and attachment styles.
    • Developing strategies for creating connection-based rituals.
  3. Sense
    • Understanding the eight senses and their impact on development.
    • Creating sensory-based regulation rituals to support diverse needs.
  4. Move
    • Emphasising the importance of physical activity for regulation.
    • Implementing movement-based rituals to enhance dynamics.
  5. Communicate
    • Enhancing emotional literacy and communication methods.
    • Designing communication-focused rituals for better interaction.
  6. Create
    • Integrating creative arts into regulation rituals.
    • Using creativity to support children’s emotional well-being.
  7. Play
    • Utilising play as a primary occupation for children.
    • Embedding playfulness in rituals to achieve better outcomes.
  8. Reflect
    • Developing a framework for evaluating and adapting regulation rituals.
    • Implementing strategies effectively and making necessary adjustments.

Course Delivery

Regulation Rituals will be delivered over 8 modules, initially LIVE with bonus LIVE Q&A sessions commencing on July 11th. You can join the live sessions, or if you prefer, each module will be broken down into bite-sized pieces accessible through an app on your phone or computer.